I have had a Blackberry Phone/PDA for over 2 yrs. I loved it for it's functionality and ease of use. I had the Bold 9000. My Blackberry moved me from text message based communication and social networking into full function web based modernism. There were a few hiccups along the way. My first unit had an antenna problem that was resolved by exchanging the unit for a new one at the store where I bought it. The next problem was a mail exchange when all external sounds (alerts, ring tones etc.) just quit one day. The third one was a year ago when a Superbowl party resulted in a beer soaking and a cracked screen. Finally, the little trackball that controls everything on the unit gave out. Yes, I cleaned it, many times, it was just worn out. This happened to be about the time that AT&T let me know that my contract period was up and I could upgrade to another phone at a much reduced price. Hello new phone.
After many hours of comparing features and price I settled on an Android phone by HTC. Every time I hear "Android" I think of Commander Data from Star Trek: Next Generation. Android is the operating system offered by Google. Yeah I know. I'm not really not that big of a Google New World Order fan but the Android phones do have pluses. Now if I can master all the new quirky features I think I will be happy for a long while.
The touch-screen is new to me. I have always kind of considered myself a button pusher as far as devices go. The larger screen makes for easier reading by my old tired eyes. This new device also has an 8 megapixel camera. That's some seriously sharp photos. It also can record video in HD.
Applications are abundant. Weather, Twitter, Facebook, stocks and who knows what I have yet to discover. They seem to download and install seamlessly. Now If I can just find where they all went on the device maybe I can use them all. I just need more time to explore, but that's half the fun of a new device. Isn't it?
I'll let you know loudly if I experience any major problems. Right now the honeymoon is still on.