Monday, June 25, 2012

I haven't blogged in a long while. I guess I just got bored with it or just had nothing to say. Actually, I always have plenty to say, I just have to check myself on who to say it to and when. With all the PC Police running around the internet I just know I'll end up in some digital Gulag somewhere, locked in a cell constructed of 1's and 0's. I can think of things worse.

I ran across an old file I saved on my computer in and old, unused folder. I t was called "Rules of Life". I have no idea who wrote it or where I found it originally. I read through it and realized it made a heckuva lot of sense in many ways. Here it is as I found it:

Rules of Life
11.      Nothing works like it’s supposed to. Get used to it.
22.      Some people just live to make an issue out of everything. Avoid them.
33.      You get older no matter what.
44.      There is no such thing as perfection.
55.      Accepting less than perfection will help you live longer.
66.      Never give up trying to achieve perfection.
77.      Family is your root.
88.      No matter how hard you try, not everyone will like you.
98.      Like yourself. Your opinion of you is what matters most.
110.   Play hard, be serious, love.

I suppose I could go through it item by item and expound on each one. I don't really have that much energy today. Just think about it though. I really can't find fault with any of the list. I'm sure some philosopher or psychologist could spend hours dissecting the words and spinning them into something far more complicated, but the pure simplicity of it is the main message.

It may mean nothing to you. you may have another set of "Rules of Life" you live by or agree with. That is your choice. I just found it clearly simple, amusing and certainly not all inclusive.