Scott Brown stunned the nation with his win over a Democrat in the Massachusetts Senate race. But who is Scott Brown REALLY? Is he a RINO (Republican In Name Only) or is he a true conservative? Does he believe in the fundamentals values of the Tea Party Supporters or is he riding in on a wave of anti-Obama sentiment? We won't really know who Scott Brown is until he is put to the test on a crucial vote.
If he caves to party pressure or accepts a Nelson-esque bribe, then he is no different than any other run of the mill politician in DC. However, if he stands his ground and votes with common sense and a moral conscience then he may in fact be for real.
This country needs representation that is for the people not for the system. We need representation that refuses to accept pork style payoffs in exchange for a vote and knows when enough is enough and is willing to stand up and say so in a LOUD voice.
Time will tell if Scott Brown is for real. In the mean time, we must keep looking for those Independent, truth seeking, moral, constitutionalists that can lead us out of the Progressive Hell that we are headed towards.
Question with boldness!
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