Friday, July 23, 2010

Shirley Shirley Shirley

Shirley Sherrod will no doubt go down in recent history as one of the dumbest people on the earth. To say the least, she had a golden egg and threw it away because she couldn't keep her mouth SHUT.

Shirley was thrust into the limelite when a video surfaced of her apparently admitting to racist activity many years ago. The Whitehouse and the Dept. of Agriculture panicked. They wanted her to resign immediately. The hell with letting her answer the charges or offer an explanation, "QUIT NOW" Shirley was what she was told. She complied. (Mistake number one)

Mistake number two was when she wasted no time going on National News shows and telling all that the order to quit came from the Whitehouse. Shirley should have kept off the television and made NO statements at all except through an attorney. She had a huge wrongful termination lawsuit on her hands. It could have set her up for life. I guess Shirley would rather speak her mind.

Once the entire transcript of the video speech was made public, Shirley was supported and defended by FOX NEWS and Glenn Beck. But that wasn't to Shirley's liking. She again opened her mouth and BLAMED Fox News for the whole thing. Shirley was now starting to look a little silly. She could have saved herself again by just shutting the hell up. But NO! Motor mouth Shirl had more to say.

By now the President was looking bad, the USDA Secretary was looking bad and all they could do was offer apologies to Shirley. But that was still not enough for old Shirley. Now she wanted an audience with the President so she could educate him on how things were in the rural south.

Still, having been apologized to and offered a new job, Shirley was not done yet. She spent some time on the air with Anderson Cooper. To his credit, he let her speak out. And speak she did. It seems now that Miss Shirley may in fact be a racist after all. With a little prompting from Anderson Cooper she opined that Andrew Briebart, who posted the video in the first place, was a racist and probably wanted all blacks to be slaves again. Andrew has his faults. He is an attention whore. He sometimes doesn't think things through completely. But He is not a racist and has no racist agenda.

Yes Shirley. All you had to do was shut the hell up. Now you look completely ridiculous.

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