Thursday, April 30, 2009

One Last Flu Blog. (I Promise)

The World Health Organization (WHO?) has raised the alert level again on the swine flu, or as it's now known, "H1N1". That's now level 5. I think if we reach level six we get 10 new lives and access to new weapons? Or maybe that's just a video game I use to play.

This flu bug has killed less than 1 hundred people so far according to WHO. The regular flu that makes the rounds every year kills thousands. WHAT is the big deal? WHY are we listening to WHO? WHERE do they get off scaring the hell out of us? WHEN will I stop with the corny WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE jokes?

I'm going to bed. I have the snuffles and my snout aches.

Top Ten Myths About Swine Flu

Top Ten Myths About Swine Flu
  • Swine flu comes from eating Wendy's "Baconator" sandwich
  • Pigs have asked for use of the term "Tummy Ache" instead of "Swine Flu"
  • If you have the Swine flu you will turn onto Rosie O'Donnell
  • If you have the Swine flu you will turn onto Jeneane Garofalo
  • You can catch the Swine flu by being in the same room with either of the above
  • Swine flu causes you to develop a taste for SLOP
  • Joe Biden doesn't think that riding trains, planes and automobiles gives you the swine flu
  • H1N1 is code for "Run for your lives!"
  • The only prescription for Swine flu is MORE COWBELL!
  • You can catch the swine flu by Twittering with an infected person
Keep sane. Keep clean. Don't panic.

( )

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

See NYC! The Obama Way!

The Obama administration has developed a new way of raising funds to pay off the 12.8 Trillion debt. They are testing the idea of leasing out Air Force One to tour groups for sight seeing runs whenever the President is not using the plane.

On Monday they made their first test run over New York City. There were no paying customers on board for this inaugural flight however. The fuel and maintenance will be picked up by the taxpayers to the tune of about $325,000. (more or less)

Apparently they forgot to ask for the proper permits required of tour operators also. Numerous office workers in high rise buildings near ground zero ran for their lives when they saw a jumbo jet wing tip outside their window. They may have over reacted. I can't imagine why they would panic at such a site. After all, large jets and tall buildings go so well together.

Call now to reserve your seat. Space may be limited on future flights.

Bon Voyage!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

High Definition Reality Show

I have seen those wild car chases many times on TV. Helicopters, dozens of police cars and traffic snarled for miles. It seems like they always happen in L.A. I never considered that they might have one in, let's say, Georgia. Especially on the same road that I am on and at the same time.

I was northbound on I-75 this afternoon about 50 miles south of Atlanta. I switched my XM Radio over to FOX News just in time to hear Shep Smith all excited as he described yet another chase. This time it was a semi tractor with a man hanging on the back for dear life as police used spike strips to slow the vehicle down. He mentioned this one was near Atlanta. "Great" I thought. All I need is a traffic backup. Then he mentioned I-75. Uh-Oh!

Sure enough, I look out the windshield to see three helicopters up ahead just as Shep tells us that the truck is slowing down and about to stop. Oh Boy! Front row seats!

As I pass slowly by on the opposite side of the highway along with all the other gawkers, the police are rushing the truck and breaking out windows. I try to snap a pic but can't get a clear shot. Then "POP!" I hoped it was a tire blowing out. By then I am past the action and return my attention to traffic.

Later I hear that an officer was shot but would be OK. I am not sure that POP I heard was the shot but it was too close for comfort. Those cops really have a dangerous job. I appreciate them for their service.

Man! Talk about high definition television and reality shows.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Bad Weekend. Good Monday.

I guess we all pay a price. Had a mediocre week last week then got stuck in Ohio for the entire weekend. Nothing says BOREDOM like sitting in Findlay Ohio for two days while your family is in Texas. Freight is slow because of the economy. I accept that but come on people. Two full days with no miles. I gotta eat ya know.

Monday brought better news. Good weather and a 700 plus mile run to Dublin, Georgia. Drop and hook on BOTH ends. Made it to Atlanta for the night. On top of that The Texas Rangers are on top of the Baltimore Orioles 6-4 in the 8th. Yesssss! (I hope I didn't just jinx them.)

Nothing on the news but Swine Flu talk. Oh, and Barack Obama had a lil run in with his teleprompter. Seems the operator is added to the new jobless claims list. Darn.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Swine Flu From Mexico?

Today there was a press conference about the swine flu problem. It seems that we are threatened by Mexicans in more than one way. First it was drug gangs. Now it is Swine Flu. Janet Napolitano hinted that she believed 95% of all pigs in Mexico came from the US. We cannot verify that of course because the Mexicans filed off the serial numbers from the pigs. Here is the best news though. Mexico has done on their own what we were unable to do. Close the BORDERS. Perhaps the border problem isn't one of immigration and drugs. It is one of vomit and diarrhea. Now if we could only introduce Camel Fever to the Middle East?

Saturday, April 25, 2009



The number of members of the 912 project as of April 24th 2009

The approximate population of Baltimore, MD

Ten full NFL stadiums

The approximate cost of a Koenigsegg CCX Supercar

The approximate population of Alaska

Number of new jobless claims this last week in the USA.


The 9-12 Project and what it Means

Please go to and read what it is all about. Even if you don't watch Glenn Beck or Fox News. Read the mission statement and click on the tabs for the 9 Principles and the 12 Values. If you agree with most of them (7 of 9 principles) (10 of 12 values) then you think like a 912'er.

It is not about Racism. It is not about parties. It is not an anti Obama site. It definitely is not an EXTREMIST site. It is common people like me and you agreeing that we need to get back to the place we were on 9-12-01. when we all dropped our differences and offered up our time, sweat, money and BLOOD to help and support one another. We were neighbors, co-workers, fellow students and moms and dads that knew instinctively that we need each other. We live in a great country but we have lost our way. Both parties are to blame. What we need now is common sense, leadership and a desire to return to the country our forefathers built for us, based in the constitution and limited government interference. Our rights are God given. No government should ever be allowed to take them away. Please read the site! It is important!


You can also follow me on Twitter at

Road Thoughts and Mindless Wanderings

I am beginning to see real signs of the economic troubles we are in. I'm in Ohio where it has for many years been a hub of trucking activity. The area is full of industry. I am seeing MANY empty manufacturing plants, machine shops, office buildings and warehouses. Not to mention only a third of the truck traffic on the road. It's not even a problem finding parking in a truck stop in Ohio these days. Living in Texas, where the economy is still rolling along fairly well, we don't see the drastic changes the rest of the country is experiencing. My company has frozen hiring, laid off many, stopped the company match on the 401k and I fear that more cuts are on the way. We have shifted to shorter hauls. The CEO says that this is more profitable. I don't see how. With each delivery we have to sit and wait for a new load assignment. Short hauls mean more deliveries, more often and more time wasted sitting. Factor in the usual delays at shipper and delivery and that's even MORE time wasted. What happened to the old adage that if the truck is not rolling, it is not making money? I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop. Recent gains in the markets are false. We cannot sustain the spending our Government is doing. Where does it all go from here?