Saturday, May 23, 2009

Obama's New Jacket!

On March 13th of this year Glenn Beck outlined the basics of the 912 Project. In his explanation he listed the 9 Principles and 12 Values that common sense people should use to make decisions in their lives. Principles and Values are the foundation that should guide us. During the campaign of '08 "Principles" and "Values" were words that were conspicuously missing from Barack Obama"s speeches. So were references to our Constitution and overspending. These are the MAIN issues of the people who have joined the 912 Project and attended the Tea Parties in April.

I have noticed in recent speeches and comments made by our new President that he has begun to use the phrase "Principles and Values" alot. Why? Is it that he hears our outrage and recognizes that we will not be silenced? Does he hear the footsteps of a rebellious and restless people?

In a speech he gave at an Arizona Commencement, he spoke of how the level of spending that the government was doing was "unsustainable." Is he kidding? Were the wrong words fed into his teleprompter by mistake? How can he speak of overspending given his record thus far in his term?

At a recent speech on National Security he chose to speak from the Rotunda of the National Archives. Again I ask why. Could it be that the echo of the rotunda made him sound more "godly?" Or could it have been that he was flanked in the television shot by copies of the Declaration of Independence and the CONSTITUTION?

It seems his image advisors are trying to make him more palatable to those of us that see him for what he is. They are attemting to give him a makeover by dressing him in a new jacket of common sense, morality and patriotism. They are trying to hide the bulge of socialism and the disfigurement of dishonesty. They are hoping we won't notice the obvious. This jacket does not belong to him and quite frankly, it comes nowhere close to fitting!

Don't be fooled by the new jacket. Look underneath at the mannequin.

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